10 segredos do chá de hortelã para uma vida mais saudável: veja principais benefícios
Confira os principais benefícios do chá de hortelã para a saúde

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O chá de hortelã é uma bebida popular em muitas culturas devido aos seus potenciais benefícios para a saúde. Esta infusão é feita a partir das folhas da planta Mentha spicata, conhecida como hortelã.
A hortelã contém compostos como o mentol, que podem ajudar a relaxar os músculos do trato gastrointestinal e aliviar problemas como indigestão, gases e cólicas. Além disso, o chá de hortelã é frequentemente usado para aliviar sintomas de resfriados e gripes.
No geral, o chá de hortelã é uma opção refrescante e reconfortante, que pode oferecer uma série de benefícios para a saúde quando consumido com moderação.
Veja a seguir os principais benefícios do chá de hortelã para saúde do corpo.
10 benefícios do chá de hortelã
Alívio digestivo: O chá de hortelã é conhecido por ajudar a aliviar problemas digestivos, como indigestão, gases e inchaço.
Redução de espasmos musculares: O mentol presente na hortelã pode ajudar a relaxar os músculos lisos do trato digestivo, aliviando espasmos e cólicas.
Melhoria dos sintomas da Síndrome do Intestino Irritável (SII): Estudos indicam que o chá de hortelã pode proporcionar alívio dos sintomas da SII, como dor abdominal, constipação e diarreia.
Efeito calmante para dores de cabeça: O mentol presente na hortelã tem propriedades analgésicas e pode ajudar a aliviar dores de cabeça tensionais e enxaquecas.
Refrescância para o hálito: O chá de hortelã pode ajudar a refrescar o hálito devido às suas propriedades antibacterianas, que combatem os germes que causam o mau odor.
Alívio de congestão nasal: O aroma da hortelã pode ajudar a descongestionar as vias nasais, proporcionando alívio temporário de sintomas como nariz entupido e tosse.
Aumento da energia: O chá de hortelã pode ajudar a aumentar os níveis de energia devido ao seu aroma revigorante e à capacidade de estimular os sentidos.
Redução de estresse e ansiedade: O aroma refrescante da hortelã pode ter efeitos relaxantes, ajudando a aliviar o estresse e a ansiedade.
Suporte à perda de peso: O chá de hortelã é naturalmente livre de calorias e pode ser uma alternativa saudável a bebidas açucaradas, ajudando na hidratação durante um plano de perda de peso.
Melhoria da qualidade do sono: Tomar uma xícara de chá de hortelã antes de dormir pode ajudar a relaxar o corpo e a mente, promovendo uma melhor qualidade do sono.
Peppermint may relieve digestive symptoms, such as gas, bloating, and indigestion.
Animal studies indicate that peppermint relaxes your digestive system and may ease pain. It also prevents smooth muscles from contracting, which could relieve spasms in your gut (3).
A 2014 review of nine studies in 726 people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) treated with peppermint oil for at least 2 weeks concluded that peppermint provided significantly better symptom relief than a placebo (4).
In one study in 72 people with IBS, peppermint oil capsules reduced IBS symptoms by 40% after 4 weeks, compared to only 24.3% with a placebo (5).
Additionally, in a review of 14 clinical trials in nearly 2,000 children, peppermint reduced the frequency, length, and severity of abdominal pain (6).
Furthermore, another study showed that the scent of peppermint oil drops reduced the incidence of nausea and vomiting and decreased the severity of nausea in people undergoing chemotherapy (7).
While no studies have examined peppermint tea and digestion, it’s possible that the tea could have similar effects.
SUMMARYPeppermint oil has been shown to relax muscles in your digestive system and improve various digestive symptoms. Therefore, peppermint tea may provide similar benefits.
As peppermint acts as a muscle relaxant and pain reliever, it may diminish certain types of headaches (8).
The menthol in peppermint oil increases blood flow and provides a cooling sensation, possibly easing pain (9).
In one 2010 randomized clinical study in 35 people with migraines, peppermint oil applied to the forehead and temples significantly reduced pain after 2 hours, compared to a placebo (10).
Another study found that administering peppermint oil drops into the nose reduced the intensity and frequency of headaches and was as effective as lidocaine, a common pain reliever (11).
While the aroma of peppermint tea may help relax muscles and improve headache pain, there is no supporting scientific evidence to confirm this effect. However, applying peppermint oil to your temples may help.
SUMMARYWhile no evidence exists that peppermint tea improves headache symptoms, research suggests that peppermint oil reduces tension headaches and migraines.
There’s a reason why peppermint is a common flavoring for toothpastes, mouthwashes, and chewing gums.
In addition to its pleasant smell, peppermint has antibacterial properties that help kill germs that cause dental plaque, which may improve your breath (12).
In one study, people who had undergone spine surgery and had received a rinse made with peppermint, tea tree, and lemon oils experienced improvement in bad breath symptoms compared to those who did not receive the oils (13).
In another 2013 study, female students given a peppermint mouth rinse experienced an improvement in breath after 1 week, compared to the control group (14).
While there is no evidence from scientific studies that drinking peppermint tea has the same effect, the compounds in peppermint have been shown to improve breath.
SUMMARYPeppermint oil has been shown to kill germs that lead to bad breath. Peppermint tea, which contains peppermint oil, may help improve breath as well.
Peppermint has antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties. Because of this, peppermint tea may alleviate clogged sinuses due to infections, the common cold, and allergies (15).
Additionally, some older research demonstrates that menthol — one of the active compounds in peppermint — improves the perception of airflow in your nasal cavity. Therefore, steam from peppermint tea may help you feel as though your breathing is easier (16).
Furthermore, warm liquids, such as chicken broth and tea, have been shown to temporarily improve symptoms of sinus congestion such as a runny nose, cough, and sore throat in some older studies (17).
Though peppermint tea has not been studied for its effects on nasal congestion, evidence suggests that it may be helpful.
SUMMARYWhile there is limited evidence that drinking peppermint tea may help unclog your sinuses, a warm beverage containing menthol — such as peppermint tea — may help you breathe a little easier.
Peppermint tea may improve energy levels and reduce fatigue.
While there are no studies on peppermint tea specifically, research demonstrates that natural compounds in peppermint may have beneficial effects on energy.
In one study, 24 healthy young people experienced less mental fatigue during a cognitive test when given peppermint oil capsules (18).
In another study, peppermint oil aromatherapy was found to reduce the incidence of fatigue more effectively than a placebo in people admitted to a cardiology center (19).
SUMMARYPeppermint oil has been shown to relieve mental and physical fatigue in some studies, but research specifically on peppermint tea is lacking.
Because peppermint acts as a muscle relaxant, it may relieve menstrual cramps (15).
While peppermint tea has not been studied to that effect, compounds in peppermint have been shown to improve symptoms.
In one study in 127 females with painful periods, peppermint extract capsules were found to be as effective as a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug in reducing the intensity and duration of pain (20).
Though additional research is needed, it is possible that peppermint tea could have similar effects.
SUMMARYDrinking peppermint tea may reduce the intensity and length of menstrual cramps since peppermint helps prevent muscle contractions. However, more research is needed.
While there are no studies on the antibacterial effects of peppermint tea, peppermint oil has been shown to effectively kill bacteria (21).
In one study, peppermint oil was found to kill and prevent the growth of common food-borne bacteria including E. coli, Listeria, and Salmonella in pineapple and mango juices (22).
Peppermint oil also kills several types of bacteria that lead to illnesses in humans, including Staphylococcus and pneumonia-linked bacteria (23).
Additionally, studies indicate that peppermint reduces several types of bacteria commonly found in your mouth (12).
Furthermore, menthol has also demonstrated antibacterial activity in some older test-tube studies (24).
SUMMARYStudies confirm that peppermint effectively inhibits several types of bacteria, including those that cause food-borne illnesses and contagious illnesses
Peppermint tea is an ideal choice before bed, as it’s naturally caffeine-free.
What’s more, peppermint’s capacity as a muscle relaxant may help you relax before bedtime (15).
That said, there is not much scientific evidence that peppermint enhances sleep.
However, one study found that inhaling three drops of peppermint oil per day over a 7-day period improved sleep quality in people with cancer (25).
Still, more high quality studies on the effects of peppermint on sleep are needed.
SUMMARYLittle scientific evidence suggests that peppermint tea is beneficial for sleep. However, it’s a caffeine-free beverage that may help you relax before bedtime.
Peppermint tea is naturally calorie-free and has a pleasantly sweet flavor, which makes it a smart choice when you’re trying to lose weight.
However, there is not much research on the effects of peppermint tea on weight.
In a 2013 study in 13 healthy people, taking a peppermint oil capsule resulted in reduced appetite compared to not taking peppermint (26).
On the other hand, an animal study showed that mice given peppermint extracts gained more weight than the control group (27).
Therefore, more research is needed on peppermint and weight loss.
SUMMARYPeppermint tea is a calorie-free beverage that may help satisfy your sweet tooth and reduce your appetite. However, more studies on peppermint and weight loss are needed.
Peppermint contains rosmarinic acid, a plant compound found in rosemary and plants in the mint family (28).
Rosmarinic acid is linked to reduced symptoms of allergic reactions, such as runny nose, itchy eyes, and asthma (29).
In one 2004 study in 29 people with seasonal allergies, those given an oral supplement containing rosmarinic acid for 21 days had fewer symptoms of itchy nose, itchy eyes, and other symptoms than those given a placebo (30).
While it’s unknown whether the amount of rosmarinic acid found in peppermint is enough to affect allergy symptoms, there is some evidence that peppermint may relieve allergies.
In fact, in one older study in rats, peppermint extract reduced allergic symptoms, such as sneezing and itchy nose (31).
SUMMARYPeppermint contains rosmarinic acid, which has been shown to reduce allergy symptoms, such as sneezing and runny nose. However, evidence on the efficacy of peppermint tea against allergy symptoms is limited.
Drinking peppermint tea may help improve your ability to concentrate and focus.
While studies on the effects of peppermint tea on concentration are unavailable, two small studies have researched this beneficial effect of peppermint oil, taken by ingestion or inhalation.
In one study, 24 young adults performed significantly better on cognitive tests when they were given peppermint oil capsules (18).
In another older study, smelling peppermint oil was found to improve memory and alertness compared to ylang-ylang, another popular essential oil (32).
SUMMARYPeppermint oil, found in peppermint tea, may help increase alertness and memory, which may
improve concentration.
Peppermint tea is delicious and easy to add to your diet.
You can buy it in tea bags, as loose-leaf tea, or simply grow your own peppermint.
To make your own peppermint tea:
- Bring 2 cups (473 milliliters) of water to a boil.
- Turn off the heat and add a handful of torn peppermint leaves to the water.
- Cover and steep for 5 minutes.
- Strain the tea and drink.
Because peppermint tea is naturally free of caffeine, you can drink it at any time of day.
Enjoy it as a post-meal treat to aid digestion, in the afternoon to boost your energy levels, or before bed to help you relax.
SUMMARYPeppermint tea is a tasty, calorie- and caffeine-free tea that can be enjoyed at any time of day.
Peppermint tea and the natural compounds found in peppermint leaves may benefit your health in several ways.
While research on peppermint tea is limited, several studies outline the benefits of peppermint oil and peppermint extracts.
Peppermint may help improve digestion, freshen your breath, and improve concentration.
Additionally, this mint has antibacterial properties and may improve allergy symptoms, headaches, and clogged airways.
Peppermint tea is a delicious, naturally sweet, caffeine-free beverage that can safely be consumed at any time of day.
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